

Who knew Blogger had a "pages" feature?! How fun!!

Ok, so I'm Michelle. :). I'm a daughter of the King who LOVES, loves the Karen people (refugees from Burma) and lyrical worship dancing. I love my King, my Father, my Savior - more than anything else and my goal is to live to bring Him, and Him alone, glory!
(You know, the reason the Lord made perfection unattainable is so that no one could boast that they're perfect. So I am most certainly nowhere NEAR perfect - but I'm still gonna do my best to live for Him!)

My favorite place to be is at Urban Vision, playing with the kiddos and giving them piggyback rides. I help with the after-school program and made a bunch more my-age Karen friends ;). 

My other favorite place is my dance teacher's basement with my company - our Scripture name is "Radiant." Check out our theme verses - Jeremiah 31:12-13. :). I take ballet, modern, and pointe with Praise His Name With Dancing - my favorite, naturally, is pointe. Most of my best friends are dancers, and I'm known to be dancing (waltzing, usually) down the aisles of Lowe's while I follow my dad to the nuts and bolts section. (:P). I broke a towel rod in the bathroom because I was doing a barre combination with it, and can't listen to a song without thinking about a dance to it. 
Need I further explain? :).

My -yet again!- other favorite place is my dance teacher's costume room! It's this tiny overstuffed room with a gazillion costumes, fabrics, ribbons, and who knows what else. I do get claustrophobic easily, but this particular room doesn't bother me - it's so much fun organizing it all and hearing the stories about the costumes! And believe me - every costume has a story. (Even if it's, "Oh, I don't think we'll use those EVER again!", it's still got a bit of history.)

I'm homeschooled - yes, I'm socialized; yes, I had class today :). I have a severe obsession with apostrophe errors (really, anything in writing) and can be seen on a regular basis flipping out as I read a book. "MOOOOMMM!! They forgot a quotation mark!!!" I love editing anybody's work except my own - I find mistakes in almost anything, but with God's grace, I'm working on not dwelling on them so much. (Really, who cares that there's a spelling mistake on the back of a 3-year-old glow stick package? Or that medical people goofed a singular/plural thing when referring to bacteria?)

As far as what I want to do when I get older.... many people in my family are telling me to be prepared, to have a helpful degree (translation - NOT ministry!) in case I don't get married. But I am so trusting the Lord! He's given me a wide variety of interests - urban ministry, internationals, dancing, physical therapy, nursing, rehab, English teacher - and I know He'll use them for good! But I'm also pretty sure there isn't a degree that encompasses all of that ;).  

My most treasured times of the day are worshipping through dance, and reading my Bible! I love to read a passage, and then journal my thoughts on it (most often, it turns into a prayer). Lately I started listening to sermons that really challenge me to live for Christ. 

~Nay Eh Naw Doe Doe
P.S. That would be my Karen name - it means "Me love sister big big (big sister very much)". :) I was blessed with it from a sweet 2nd grader over at Urban Vision, and while it took me a while to memorize, is very special to me!